我可以什么都不做吗?—— 初级 Can I Just Do Nothing?_8 Minute English_Beginner


Hello and welcome back, our beloved listeners!

This is the 8-minute English podcast series on the Learn English Podcast channel.

I'm your host, Nathan, and it's a pleasure to have you with us again.

In our busy world, the idea of doing nothing can seem strange.

We're often told to always be working or doing something.

But is this really good for us?

In this episode, we will look at the importance of rest and taking breaks.

We will discuss why society makes us feel bad for resting, and why it's important to do nothing sometimes.

Today, we will talk about "Can I do nothing?" Join me as we discuss this interesting topic and challenge the idea that we must always be busy.

You might realize that doing nothing is not only okay but also important for a healthy, balanced life.
