比尔·盖茨2024夏日推荐 Barbecue, books, and TV for summer 2024



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It's almost summertime.

That means longer days, shorter sleeves, eating barbecue, and my summer recommendations.

"How to Know a Person" by David Brooks.

He really gets into the specifics of human interaction, and the idea that some people are just naturally good at connecting, and asking questions.

This one honestly got me thinking a lot more about what he calls 'active listening' and about broad societal things.

I binged each season of "Slow Horses" when it came out on Apple TV.

It's so intriguing, a very complex plot, with a lot of flawed, but interesting characters.

Gary Oldman leads a group of British spies.

These agents that are sort of in disrepute, even though they're pretty amazingly talented.

"Brave New Words", by Sal Khan.
