睁眼打喷嚏,眼球会弹出来吗? Can You Sneeze With Your Eyes Open?


You've probably heard the rumor that you can't sneeze with your eyes open because if you do, your eyes will pop out from the force of the sneeze.

So is that true?

Is it impossible to sneeze with your eyes open?

Let's find out on today's episode of Colossal Questions.

You've probably noticed that whenever you sneeze, your eyes automatically close right before you sneeze.

Most of us learn this eye-popping rumor and honestly, it sounds pretty horrifying.

Luckily, it's a myth.

Your eyes will definitely not pop out if you sneeze with them open.

Your eyes close just before a sneeze as an involuntary reflex, which means the brain sends a signal to the eye muscles, telling them to close without you ever having to actually think about it.

Okay, so that's good news.
