


Trump plans aggressive return to campaign trail

By Brian Bennett/Elkhart, Ind.

DONALD TRUMP WAS ABOUT HALFWAY through a campaign rally in Elkhart, Ind. , on May 10 when he called Republican Senate nominee Mike Braun to the stage of the packed gymnasium.

After the businessman praised the President,

Trump lit into Braun's opponent, Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly, with characteristic ferocity.

Sleeping Joe and the Democrats, Trump said, would raise the crowd's taxes, destroy their jobs and erode U. S. borders.

You can send a really incredible swamp person back to the Senate like Joe Donnelly, he told them, or you can send us Republicans like Mike Braun to drain the swamp.

It was a preview of what is shaping up to be a long, hot summer of fiery campaigning by Trump.

As Republicans try to stave off a Democratic takeover of Congress,

President Trump plans to throw himself into the fray, flying to rallies as often as twice a week by the end of the summer to slam Democratic candidates, according to two White House advisers.
