寒冷的天气有助于增强你的健康 The cold weather hack to boosting your fitness


I absolutely feel more physically fit and more stronger by swimming in the cold.

And, I don't get sick.

You can burn a crap ton of calories.

It's like a drug because you actually feel like this amazing sense of euphoria.

As an exercise enthusiast, this year, I like many others and faced with an important decision: either slug through the monotony of at-home workouts, risk catching Covid-19 inside a stuffy gym, or, endure the discomfort of exercising outside in the cold.

Recent research regarding exposure to mild cold stress, temperatures ranging between roughly 10 to 18 degrees celsius, reveals there may be greater health benefits associated with exercising in the cold.

If you were to put yourself into a cold environment, we would experience in our vasculature, something known as vasoconstriction.

This ,in fact, would result in the heart having to work harder to pump blood to the muscles, especially if we're doing aerobic activity like cycling or running.

Or swimming. But the cold alone is not the elixir.

When it comes to cardiovascular benefits and strengthening the heart, it does not necessarily matter the environment that you're in.
