Life Changing Cinnamon Rolls Recipe | EASY and Healthy


(lively, festive instrumental music) - Hey health nuts, welcome back to my channel.

I'm so excited about today's video. We are making

the most epic healthified cinnamon rolls to date. I've cracked the code.

I've made cinnamon rolls healthified that actually taste really, really good.

And don't get me wrong, there's butter, there's sugar, there's flour in these,

but I'm using whole realsome ingredients. There's no refined sugars,

there's no weird oils or anything in this recipe. It's all real ingredients

that you probably already have in your pantry right now. Get excited, these are delicious.

I cannot wait to share the recipe with you guys. And the icing, oh my goodness, is probably the best part.

It has a secret ingredient. You guys will have to wait to find out.
