最好吃的烤奶酪三明治 The Best Grilled Cheese You'll Ever Make | Epicurious 101


Frank Proto是一位专业厨师和烹饪讲师,他向大家展示了如何制作最美味的烤奶酪三明治,包括选哪种面包和奶酪最好吃,为什么他会用蛋黄酱等等。

I'm Frank Proto, professional chef and culinary instructor.

And today I'm gonna show you the best way to make grilled cheese at home, Frank-style.

We're talking everything you need to know to make the crispiest, crunchiest, cheesiest grilled cheese sandwich you've ever had.

This is grilled cheese 101.

When you talk about grilled cheese, everyone has an opinion.

There are tons of variables when it comes to a really good grilled cheese.

You got your bread, you got your mayonnaise or butter.

You have the cheese that you use as well.

I believe mine is the best.

The bread that I like to use for my grilled cheese has a very tight crumb.
