


I think my favourite is The Shroud of Turin as a self portrait of Leonardo.

Yeah well, the Mona Lisa's a self portrait of Leonardo so it gets around.

But having received the digital file I thought "Well it is at least worth seeing this," which one wouldn't normally do as most of them are not worth the time.

And it was at that point in Zurich in a bank vault or in a storage facility which is where most of these sort of valuable pictures that are not in particular collections tend to be.

And I was making a television program for an American producer.

So I was going to be in Zurich anyway because I don't even accept expenses.

Because once you take money for doing an attribution, then your opinion is being bought in a way.

So I said "Well in 6 months time I can be out there to look at this."

So I did turn up and it was in a storage facility, the men bringing it out with sort of big shoulders, no necks so really scary guys.

And it was placed in a special large room for us to look at.
