用蛋清和茜草根重现"童贞女王"伊丽莎白一世妆容 Queen Elizabeth I Makeup Tutorial History Inspired Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth


Hi I'm Amber Butchart, Fashion Historian.

I'm here today at English Heritage's Kenilworth Castle.

In 1575 this castle welcomed Elizabeth I for 19 days at the invitation of her favorite, Robert Dudley.

Today we're going to explore Elizabeth I's iconic look and discover what her makeup can teach us about her reign.

So join me as we meet our Queen and we show you how to create an Elizabeth I-inspired look at home.

Your majesty!

Well she's not ready yet.

It would have taken Queen Elizabeth a good couple of hours to get herself up to scratch.

I'm sure. Now Elizabeth I, one of the most recognisable women in British history, talk me through her look.

I feel like her look is iconic and there were three main parts to it so it was porcelain white clean, clear skin she had rosy cheeks and then beautiful ruby lips.
