002 探索南非海浪下的森林 Explore South Africa's Forest Beneath the Waves


... In shallow ocean waters around the world, vibrant underwater jungles overflow with marine life. Kelp forests...

... Many of these algal forests are in decline due to warming oceans...

... But along South Africa's southern coastline, the 1,200 kilometer-long Great African Sea Forest still thrives...

It's a place where I can still feel wild and I can still feel vulnerable.

It's a giant, three-dimensional underwater forest, and there are literally billions of animals living in this forest.

It's just a privilege to be able to enter a wild, intact ecosystem everyday, and watch how that affects my mind and my body.

I never knew it was called kelp forests.

I thought it was evil seaweed that would tangle me up and I'll get drowned.

So when I started diving I was so afraid of the kelp forest, because the only indication I had back then was movies.

And when I, the first time I went into the kelp forest, I just heard the soundtrack of Jaws playing and it was playing loud in my head on repeat.
