Great Gatsby: Great Books Explained


This is a story about the American dream.

No  other decade defined America like the 1920s.

The country was coming into its own, and fulfilling  its promise of freedom and prosperity, but already the dream was showing its cracks.

And the decade that  followed would test America to its very core.

One book would serve as a prophetic warning to  its audience, and still offer a glimmer of hope about the American ideal.

Film: "Wait a minute you ain't heard nothing yet!" Automobiles, movies, and radio, made our lives bigger.

The consumer culture took root and the cult of celebrity was born.

F Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda, became glamorous  icons of the Jazz Age, embodying the raucous spirit of the Roaring 20s.

Fitzgerald was already a  successful highly paid writer with two popular novels under his belt.

The Great Gatsby would  be his Masterpiece, waited on by an eager public... Except it was a flop.
