基础刀工技巧 Basic Knife Skills


对于厨房小白来说,谁还没在切菜的时候挨过几刀子呢?不过“吃一堑,长一智”,在无数次血的教训下,也涌现了一系列巧妙的应对方法。让大家有效告别 “剁手党”切菜的时候,可以避免切到手指。

Great knife skills are essential to becoming a better cook.

It's really the basis of everything that you're going to do in the kitchen.

This is truly a skill you'll use every day with just about everything you cook.

Okay, so first things first, before you even start chopping, you want to make sure that your cutting board is secure.

A wobbly cutting board can result in your knife slipping and injuries happening.

So an easy fix is to place a damp paper towel underneath your cutting board.

You can also get a non-slip mat to put under the cutting board or you can get a cutting board with grips.、

The next important thing is to make sure you're gripping your knife properly.

If you put your finger on top of the knife, if you hold too far back on the handle, if you have a dainty grip, those are all incorrect ways.

You want to put your finger and your thumb at the very back of the knife and wrap your fingers around it.
