哈佛谈判专家教你如何辩论 Harvard negotiator explains how to argue | Dan Shapiro


哈佛国际谈判项目负责人、《不妥协的谈判:哈佛大学经典谈判心理课》一书的作者丹·夏皮罗在短片中分享了辩论更容易获胜的 3 个关键点。他说,美国人越来越多地陷入“部落陷阱”。那些身陷其中的人会竭尽全力阻止对方,以证明自己的立场是正确的、公正的,也是唯一的前进道路。

I've personallyI feel uncomfortable around conflict.

Now, we're here today to find out how to argue.

But conflict is useful.

The question is: How do you deal with conflict the most effectively?

Here we go.

I am author of "Negotiating the Nonnegotiable - How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally-Charged Conflicts".

Have you found yourself in an argument that felt so frustrating, so at-a-core aggravating?

That's the silliest opinion I've ever heard.

It felt just nonnegotiable.

Well, congratulations, you're a human being.
