

03 - Part One- Paradigms & Principles

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Part 1 Paradigms and Principles We will start with the inside out approach.

David Starr Jordan once stated, There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living.

In more than 25 years of working with people in business, university and marriage and family settings, I have come in contact with many individuals who have achieved an incredible degree of outward success, but have found themselves struggling with an inner hunger, a deep need for personal congruency and effectiveness, and for healthy, growing relationships with other people.

I suspect some of the problems they have shared with me may be familiar to you.

Just listen to some of these.

One put it this way, I've set and met my career goals and I'm having tremendous professional success, but it's cost me my personal and family life.

I don't know my wife and children anymore.

I'm not even sure I know myself.

And what's really important to me, I've had to ask myself, is it really worth it?

Another put it, I've started a new diet for the fifth time this year.
