

外媒报道:Rosé 新歌《APT.》火爆出圈

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If you haven't been living under a rock the past few days then you've probably heard the absolute banger that is "Apt", the brand new song by Blackpink's very own Rosé and the talented Bruno Mars.

Not only the duo's brain child APT has topped music charts, but the viral number has also taken over our social media feeds, as that earwormy chorus replays over and over in your head.

The catchy repetition of "apateu apateu" in the chorus is a direct nod to the chant used during a popular Korean drinking game, where players stack their hands together and the leader calls out a number. They then remove their hands one by one, starting from the bottom.

If someone pulls their hand out on the number the leader called or if they repeat a number that is already been called, they must drink as a penalty.

只要你过去几天不是过着与世隔绝的生活,那么你就有可能听过这首绝对的大爆曲《APT.》。这首全新歌曲由Blackpink里极具个人风格的Rosé和才华横溢的Bruno Mars共同创作。


在副歌部分中,"apateu apateu"反复出现,而且朗朗上口。这是韩国流行的饮酒游戏中使用的口号。这首歌直接表达了Rosé对这个游戏的喜爱。在这个游戏中,玩家们要把手叠在一起,然后主持人喊出一个数字。接下来,他们要从底部开始,依次把手抽出来。



banger /ˈbæŋər/ n. 劲曲;鞭炮

own /əʊn/ adj. 具有自己特点的

duo /ˈdu:oʊ/ n. 二人组

viral /ˈvaɪrəl/ adj. 像病毒般传播的

number /ˈnʌmbər/ n. 一首歌

earwormy adj. 洗脑的;余音绕梁;像耳朵虫一样的

replay /ˈri:pleɪ/ v. 回放,重播

catchy /ˈkætʃi/ adj. 朗朗上口的,悦耳易记的

repetition /ˌrepəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 音乐章节的重复片段

chorus /ˈkɔ:rəs/ n. 副歌;合唱歌曲

chant /tʃænt/ n. 反复喊的话,反复唱的调子

stack /stæk/ v. 叠成堆

live under a rock 过着与世隔绝的生活

brain child 智慧结晶

social media feed 社交媒体动态

a nod to 同意,认可;点头,示意

call out 喊出

pull out 抽出;拔出;取出

as a penalty 作为惩罚
