


In 1937, the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland the fore-runner of the United Nations

stated that 90% of the world-wide illegal opium and heroin trade was in the hands of the Japanese drug dealers.

Ultimately, it was the Marco Polo Bridge incident in Peking that finally started the full-scale second Sino-Japanese war

which lasted from 1937 to 1945. During that time,

Imperial Japan's ferocious war machine not only conquered most of China, but also committed some of the most atrocious war crimes in the history of mankind,

such as 1937 Nanjing Massacre. The rape of Nanjing raged on for three months,

with more than 300,000 civilians savagely slaughtered. In honor of the victims,

the Nanjing Massacre Memorial was built in 1985 on the grounds of the massacre graves

with Wu Weishan sculptures vividly capturing the horrids at that dreadful time

underneath these stones, rest the remains of the innocent victims.
