"憨豆先生"罗温·艾金森解读经典角色 From Mr Bean to Blackadder, Rowan Atkinson breaks down his most iconic characters



This series called "Iconic character."

Oh, I see.

No, I don't do Idense or introduction.

"Man VS Bee"

Trevor Bingley, who's our hero in "Man VS Bee" is just a very very nice man actually kind of nicer than most of the characters that I play, who tend to be very selfish or self-centered or self obsessed in some way particularly Mr. Bean.

So actually we decided to create a character who is in many ways, more real, more three dimensional.

He's a decent sort of family man who's just gone through a divorce.

He's very short of money, but he gets this job house sitting for this very, very wealthy couple who are going on holiday for a week.

And he has a lot of trouble with a bee.

On all 14 counts of dangerous driving, the destruction of priceless artwork.
