最大的多米诺金字塔 Huge Domino Pyramid


Hi, my name is Steve Price of Sprice Machines, and my team and I hold the world record for the most dominoes toppled in a 2D pyramid.

We decided to break this record because we thought it would be an epic finale to my annual event called Falldown.

The only way to build a domino pyramid is by hand, one by one, and so we really had to maintain focus the entire time to make sure that we didn't make a single mistake, because if we accidentally dropped a domino into the pyramid, it could cause the rest of it to topple.

In order to beat the previous record, the pyramid had to be 127 layers tall, which is exactly 10 feet tall.

So this is the last one that's going into the pyramid.

Here we go!

The total number of dominoes in the pyramid is 8,122.

I feel super accomplished to be able to check off another Guinness World Record, and just thinking about the fact that nobody has ever built a pyramid that big before makes me super proud of my team.
