The Story of a Steel Sculptor: Weaving Art from Metal (Documentary)


What I do is dirty and it's ferocious  and it's fire and fury and brimstone, it's just this place of just of grunt, heat and exertion and power.

My work's pretty much born in the dark, I create work  in the dark with light, shadow play and how light moves and how it changes things and  elongates and for-shortens and the line and the form is more where I'm at.

Hi my name's Dion  Horstmans, I'm an artist and I'm based in Sydney.

Born in New Zealand, grew up in the  Cook Islands, I left New Zealand when I was 18,19 dropped out of uni I went  traveling around through the Pacific, through Europe and then down through Southeast  Asia, my visa had run out in Bali, I didn't want to go back to New Zealand so I flew to Darwin  cause it was the most direct place to get to, made my way down the East Coast and arrived in  Sydney and just fell in love with it.

I've always wanted to be an artist that's what I ever wanted  to do I've done everything you know abattoirs, fishing boats, labouring, doors, cut my teeth on  film and that gave me a education how to use a massive range of different tools and techniques  and finishes.

You're in your own world trying to create a place for yourself in this ever  changing evolving world of art.

How I would describe my work well it's abstract geometric it's  very dynamic it's an expression of me trying to work out where I stand with me.

Favorite artists  is an early kid were obviously cartoons, now from there as I got older it would been early abstract  Picasso, Brâncuși these guys, hard-line artists.

I've created these angular drawings with points or  sculptures with points, I'm scribing a line going through one point and through another point and  through another point so I'm doing these circular kind of motions there's as much consideration  about the line as there is in the straight pieces.

My alarm goes off at 5:15, I turn my coffee  machine on, I stretch and I'm I groan and I moan and I roll and and then at about 6: 00 or as soon  as it gets light I'll go down and have a swim.
