

Hi everyone, and welcome to Yoga with Adriene.I am Adriene and today I am in beautiful Beaumont, Texas and I mean that.

It's a beautiful gorgeous day here in the southeast side of Texas. And I am on a road trip, so I'm offering a side body sequence today, which is fantastic if you're traveling and your body just feels crumpled at the end of a long road trip or even on a plane.

It brings a little spaciousness to the entire body and you can do it on your hotel room floor or at a truck stop or at the airport.

Or in a beautiful botanical garden, so Google your botanical gardens wherever you're at.

Hop on the mat and let's learn side body sequence.

Okay, I'm going to come into a nice cross-legged position to start.

Letting my sit bones root down through the ground and just taking a second on your own to roll up through the spine.

Already kind of establishing that we're going to take some time here for ourselves to check in with the body, find what feels good so that we don't really worry about the goal or the pose, but just focus on the process or the experience, okay?

Couple loops of the shoulders here, anything you think you might need to just check in and then slowly I'll lift and lengthen from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone.

I'll hug my navel in towards my spine just coming into integrity in the torso.
