How Whales Help Fight Climate Change


- It's known that one whale is worth more than a thousand trees when it comes to carbon sequestration.

Whales are living reservoirs of carbon, meaning rebuilding whale populations on a global scale can be the solution to a climate crisis.

(upbeat music) What people don't realize is that the ocean absorbs around 25% of carbon emissions.

It's an enormous carbon sink.

And that means that it takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere where it traps heat and into the ocean where it doesn't.

So that's why protecting our oceans is really key when it comes to climate solutions.

Whales are a type of blue carbon,and the point of blue carbon is that it stays in the ocean and out of the atmosphere.

So the more living things we have in the ocean,the more carbon sequestration,and especially when they're big things like whales.

One large whale,like a humpback whale,can export tons of carbon to the deep sea throughout its life.

When whales poop,it adds nutrients to the water,which fertilizes the blooming phytoplankton.
