YOU 的复数是什么?What is the plural of YOU in English?


Good day. Welcome to LetThemTalk, it is the year 1485 and in our lesson today, we're going to look at how to use second-person pronouns in English.

So the subject pronoun in the singular is THOU, that's right, THOU. "Thou art beautiful", the object pronoun is THEE "This flower is for thee".

For the plural, when you're speaking to more than one person just use YOU. "make sure you don't catch the plague". "Let me play you a song on my lute".

Simple huh? so that's it, English is great, isn't it? now you can go out and speak to the three million people who speak the English language.

Wow! Farewell, see you soon.

So that's a little history lesson for you. YOU was a plural, not anymore in modern English we don't use THOU and THEE anymore.

If you want to read Shakespeare by the way you need to learn it but otherwise these days we just have one-second person YOU.

YOU for singular, YOU for plural, YOU for formal, YOU for informal. I know many other languages have a plural form of YOU, but not modern English, that's great, most of the time, however, sometimes it can pose a problem.

How do you make YOU plural? Because sometimes you want to make it clear that you're speaking to everybody in the group and not just one person, so for example, "Do you want to come for a drink?" Am I speaking to just her or am I speaking to everybody in the group?

Well, it's quite simple if you want to sound informal, then just say YOU GUYS, "Hey are you guys going to come for a drink?". "You guys are so funny" "What do you guys think of the new CEO?" Remember GUYS when it's used as a plural can refer to all men, all women or a mixed group. If you're using GUY as a singular then it's just a man. OK?
