MIT Chancellor Melissa Nobles to the Class of 2024


OK, everyone!

It's happening!

It's graduation day!

Congratulations to you, you soon to be graduates, and congratulations to your loved ones!

What a day!

To the Class of 2024: You are here today, graduating from MIT on beautiful Killian court, thanks in part to the many people who believed in you, who championed you, who boosted you when you needed it.

Many of your loved ones are here today, and others around the globe are beaming with happiness as they watch this ceremony online.

So, soak up all of the love and pride of your families and friends and champions here and afarIt's a very special day for them, too.

Thank you, parents; thank you, families; thank you, friends; thank you to the professors and staff here at MIT, and thank you to everyone who has helped shape our graduates' journey to this day.

And now, let's talk about you, the graduates of 2024!
