泻药的工作原理 How Do Laxatives Work?


Everybody poops.

It's one of those facts of life.

The average person does it anywhere between three times a week and three times a dayso by the time you're an adult, you're a very experienced pooper.

But sometimes, even with the right diet and exercise, you still need a little help with your number two.

And that's where laxatives come in.

Constipation is pretty common, with anywhere between two and 30% of people experiencing symptoms at any given time.

It can be caused by lack of exercise, many medications, or certain diets.

Changing your habits might solve the problem, but if not, there are a whole bunch of laxatives to make your pooping experience more enjoyable.

The most common type are called bulk-formers, and they're basically concentrated doses of dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber is a broad term for the parts of plants we eat, but that our bodies can't digest, and you'll find it in things like whole wheat breads and vegetables.
