如何才能拿到米其林一星?What it takes to get a Michelin star



The Michelin star - it's been described as the Oscars of the restaurant industry.

A single Michelin star can take a restaurant from a riverside favorite to a must visit, but getting one takes a lot of work.

It's good, this is really good, chef!

Do you feel like maybe you're married to your job?

I am married to my job, yeah. I don't even have to have a flat anymore.

This Michelin Guide has been heralded as a benchmark for excellence for more than 100 years.

The guide employs inspectors to review more than 40,000 hotels and restaurants around the world.

According to the guide, one Michelin star marks a very good restaurant in its category.

Two stars indicate the restaurant is "worth a detour, " while three stars, the crème de la crème, denotes a restaurant with "exceptional cooking" worthy of a special trip.

These stars are so desirable some chefs work more than 70 hours in a week chasing them.
