新年决心失败背后的心理机制 The Psychology Behind Your Failed New Year's Resolutions (It's Not Your Fault) _ WIRED


Evidence suggests that within a week, 25% of us have failed on our resolutions.

A month later, half of us have.

And then you've got those annoyingly persistent 25 or 30% that seem to carry it on for years.

And we've been doing this research for decades and the big revolution we have now is people tend to do what they enjoy and not what they don't enjoy.

You're welcome for decades of research for something as simple as that.

I'm Dr. Amanda Rebar.

I am Associate Professor of Psychology.

I'm here to help you make sense of new year's resolutions.

Resolutions are really different from habits but they don't have to be.

Resolutions are self-initiated plan to change, whereas habits are how we do things day to day.
