Super Simple Habit Tracker



This is Ryder, Creator of the Bullet Journal, and today I wanted to talk a little bit about habits.

So we're about six weeks into the new year, and this is where we start to struggle with our habits a little bit.

And a lot of the times that's because we need a simple way to hold ourselves accountable other than sheer willpower.

One very powerful way to do this is actually to create a habit tracker.

This is one of the reasons why habit trackers are really popular in the Bullet Journal Community.

Today, I wanted to show you a super simple habit tracker that I designed that's helped me stay on top of my habits.

[Music] To set up this simple habit tracker, we're going to piggyback on Monthly Log's calendar page.

All we have to do is map our habits on the existing dates.

Before I do that, I'm going to create a Key.
