A Magical Sound Made By The Earth - Singing Ice


这个冬季,和来自瑞典的Jonna Jinton小姐姐相约,在这静谧湖畔,一起聆听美妙梦幻的大地之冰~

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Have you ever heard this sound before?

It's my absolute favorite sound and it's been fascinating me for many years now.

But I had never heard about it before until I moved to this remote place by the lake.

I didn't know that the ice can create the most magical and otherworldly sounds.

It excites my spirit and during the last years I've spent many winter nights by the lake listening and recording the sounds of the singing ice.

These sounds can best be heard in the beginning of the winter just as the lake has frozen to ice. As the surface of the ice gets thicker, it creates a strong tension in the ice until it cracks.

And as the cracks move fast over the ice, it creates these strong vibrations and sounds that can be heard many miles away.

The sounds of the ice is different every winter, depending on how fast the ice grows and how much snow is covering the surface.

The colder, the louder sounds.

Being out on the ice when it sings the most is a very special experience. If the ice cracks close to you, you can feel like a wall of vibration from the sounds almost knocking you down.
