从空气中提取二氧化碳的棘手计划 The tricky plan to pull CO2 out of the air


Do you think this video will be on the Internet in 2070?

Maybe in someInternet archive somewhere?

Well, researchers of the future if you were wondering what we were doing here in the 2020s about climate change the answer is we were committing to net zero.

In the past few years more than 70 countries, one after the nexthave made a pledge to reach net zero emissions.

That includes places that have barely contributed to climate warming and it includes all of the countries that have been most responsible for emissions so far.

It seems like everyone got the message that humankind needs to become carbon neutral and we need to do it in the next 3 to 5 decades.

But that would have been easier if we had started cutting emissions 20 years ago because now we're up here and the math is getting really tough.

So to make it work governments are penciling in "negative emissions." That's the net part of the net zero promise.

The idea that we can reach zero while still emitting greenhouse gases if we're also taking CO2 out of the air.

It's a bit contentious but we're going to be hearing a lot about it.
