Theresa May's last big speech as PM


梅姨最后一次以首相身份发表长篇演说,在英国政坛上留下最后的印记…… 她回顾了50余年的从政生涯,阐述一直以来坚持的政治信念!梅姨抛出问题:是做一位有执着信念的政治家,还是一位实用主义者?政治,并不是非黑即白非赢即输,有时妥协中庸才是良策。(译文源自英国普罗派乐卫视)

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This will most likely be the last time that I will speak at length as Prime Minister, and I would like today to share some personal reflections on the state of politics in our country and around the world.

Now I've lived politics for half a century.

From stuffing envelopes for my local party in my school years to serving as a local councillor, fighting a by-election, winning a seat, serving for 12 years on the opposition front bench and for 9 years in the Cabinet as Home Secretary and Prime Minister.

Throughout that time, in every job I have done, I've been inspired by the enormous potential that working in politics and taking part in public life holds.

The potential to serve your country, to improve peoples' lives andin however big or small a wayto make the world a better place.

Both domestically and internationally, in substance and in tone, I'm worried about the state of politics.

That worry stems from a conviction that the values on which all of our successes have been founded cannot be taken for granted.

They may look to us as old as the hills, we might think that they will always be there,

but establishing the superiority of those values over the alternatives was the hard work of centuries of sacrifice.

And to ensure that liberal inheritance can endure for generations to come, we today have a responsibility to be active in conserving it, If we do not, we will all pay the price: rich and poor, strong and weak, powerful and powerless.
