用日记改变你的生活——10 个灵魂拷问(2)Change Your Life by Journalling - 10 Powerful Questions


Question number six is the odyssey plan.

This is 3 sets of questions.

The first one is your current path.

The question is: what does my life look like 5 years from now if I continue down my current path?

Next question is the alternative path.

What would my life look like 5 years from now if I took a completely different path?

And then option three is the radical path.

What would my life look like 5 years from now, if I took a completely different path where I didn't care about money and I didn't care about what people thought?

I talked about this a bunch of times in the channel before.

This is probably the journal prompt, most single-handedly changed my life.
