动物界最有爱的爸爸是谁? Who's the Best Dad in the Animal Kingdom?


There's lots of animal dads all across the wild wilderness who will do just about anything to keep their offspring safe.

But have you ever wondered who are the best dads in the animal kingdom?

Let's find out on today's episode of Colossal Questions.

Maybe the most fun loving animal dad is the red fox.

They adore their babies and love nothing more than to play games and roughhouse with their young.

But it's not just fun and games that make the red fox a great dad.

While the cubs are young, red fox fathers hunt for the pups and their mom every single day and bring back food right to the den.

Talk about a special delivery.

They do this for the first three months or so, at which point they suddenly stop feeding the poor little pups.

It's all for a good reason though.
