詹妮弗·安妮斯顿对话塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 Jennifer Aniston & Sebastian Stan | Actors on Actors - Full Conversation


- You would've been a great cast member on "Friends." - I loved fr...- You would've been a Joey.

- My friends and I would always go around and be like, like, who are you most like?

I mean, I always came closest to Chandler.

- To Chandler? - Well, 'cause I'm... Because I get very sort of like neurotic and it just used to... I used to die laughing, but...- You were Chandler Bond.

- I'm very excited and nervous to be here but...- So am I, that's great, makes two of us.

- Yeah, it's the adrenaline. - Yeah.

- All right, so...- It's the work.

- It's the work of our lives.

I'm such a huge fan of yours, I have been for years.

And you know, so for me, this is very special.
