Women Try A 90s Hair Braiding Machine


(suspenseful music) - Oh God, your hair is on the thing now (laughter) - Hi, I'm Chloe and welcome to Bizarre Beauty.

90's edition.

This is the show that I try weird internet products, so you don't have to.

(lively music) (meow) So Today, I am living out a childhood dream.

YAY Back in the 90s, I'm old.

I really really really wanted one of these things.

Do you guys remember this?

Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe not, Cause you're probably like 10.

So back in the 90s, in the early 2000s, I feel like these was a lot of beads, braids and twists and ribbons that was super popular to put in your hair.

I have no idea how to do it myself.
