只吃肉会让我们更健康吗?为什么越来越多的人开始尝试纯肉饮食?Carnivore Diet Why would it work What about Nutrients and Fiber


Recently, the "carnivore diet" has become quite popular, thanks in part to the famous University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, as well as his daughter Mikhaila, having used this meat-only diet to alleviate certain health issues.

"And she said to me quit eating greens and I thought Oh, really?!

I'm eating cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, and chicken and beef.

It's like I have to cut out the goddamn greens?

Within a week, I was 25% less anxious in the morning.

Within 2 weeks, 75% and I've been better every single day.

Disclaimer number 2, I am not recommending this to anyone." Needless to say, this diet steps on a lot of toes, especially if you happen to advocate for a plant-based diet.

Even if you're on a low-carb or keto diet, this might sounds extreme considering you can't even have avocadoes or macadamia nuts.

Dr. Shawn Baker, a big carnivore diet advocate has been on the diet for about 7 years and runs a website called meatheals.com.

As of August 26th, 99 people have shared their stories of how they improved their health by eating only meat: healing things like depression, various gut issues, and rheumatoid arthritis, with 77 of them experiencing weight loss, 61 of them commenting on improved mood, and 31 people seeing improvements in their skin.
