





Kristen Stewart has been cast

as Princess Diana,

in an upcoming movie

titled Spencer,

set in the early 90s.

The film will cover a critical weekend

when Princess Diana

decided to end her marriage

to Prince Charles.

Jackie director Pablo Larraín

will direct the film

which will reportedly kick off production

in early 2021.

While some fans might be surprised

by the casting.

Pablo cleared up exactly

why he thought Kristen

was perfect for the role.

In an interview with deadlines,

the director shared,

"Kristen is one of the great actors

around today.

To do this well,

you need sth very important in film,

which is mystery."

Pablo went on to say,

"That Kristen can be many things,

mysterious and very fragile,

and ultimately very strong as well.

That combination

makes her the perfect pick,

according to the director

who previously directed Natalie Portman

as Jackie Kennedy."

He continued,

"The way she responded to the script

and how she

is approaching the character,

it's very beautiful to see.

I think she's going to do something

stunning and intriguing

at the same time."

