让你一天专注 10 小时必要工具 Essential Tools to Stay Focused for 10+Hours a Day


So there's a bunch of different tools that we can use to help improve our ability to stay focused on our work or our studies for an extended period of time.

And we're gonna split them up into three.

The first group is tools that help with time management of our focus session.

The second is tools that help us combat distractions.

And the third type is tools that we can use to help make our work a little bit more fun.

So let's start with the first category.

In the late 1980s, a student called Francesco Cirillo was struggling to focus on his studies and complete his assignments.

Feeling overwhelmed, he asked himself to commit to short bursts of focused study time.

He found a tomato shaped kitchen timer.

He set it to 25 minutes and started to work.
