Why The Olympics Almost Banned This Shoe


I'm wearing the real Team USA Olympic uniforms  with one of the world's fastest super shoes and we're going to cut it in half because what's  inside this shoe is part of a huge debate happening in sports right now.

The question iswhen does sports gear get so good that it's actually CHEATING?

There's a ton of cool gear  that's banned from sports from making athletes too good, like swimsuits that make a swimmer's body  too streamlined, or gloves that make a receiver's hands too grippy, or bats that let a player  hit the ball too to hard, or shoes that make a runner too freaking fast.

They call it "tech doping," using physical gear to gain an unfair advantage.

In this video, I'm going to show you  the banned technology that you won't see in the Olympics... oh that's grippy... and the cutting edge  tech that you will see that's on the very edge of what's allowed.

You might be thinking, "hold  on, no gear should give athletes an advantage!" But we don't run barefoot anymore.

We don't swim  naked.

We use tech to play sports and that tech keeps getting better, pushing forward what humans  can do.

So... where's the line?

That's what I really want to figure out.
