Learn English with THE MORNING SHOW — Jennifer Aniston & Reese Witherspoon


Today we are learning English with the TV series The Morning Show, with one of the most intense and dramatic scenes from the series, where Jennifer Aniston's character Alex, while being live on TV, decides to blow the whistle on all the dirty situation that was happening in the network.

The expression to blow the whistle, by the way, means to tell people publicly about something bad that someone's doing.

In 2007, American activist Tarana Burke used the term Me Too to raise awareness and stand with victims of sexual abuse.

A decade later, the hashtag went viral and as more and more women spoke out, they learned they were not alone.

Me Too has evolved into a global movement.

And I should tell you that today's lesson will contain more offensive language and will address a more dense topic than usual.

So if you're interested in learning English with something lighter today, please click on this link to the playlist of lessons that are more family-friendly.

But before we get started, if you're new here, let me quickly tell you how this lesson is going to work.

First, you will watch the scene with subtitles.

Then you will learn some of the most important vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
