

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见03

Chapter 5 : Mr Collins Proposes-Twice! The next day at Longbourn, Mr Collins proposed marriage to Elizabeth.

On finding Mrs Bennet and Elizabeth together he asked the mother for her permission to speak to her daughter alone. Elizabeth was too surprised to answer, but her mother immediately went away.

Elizabeth sat down to listen and tried not to show her feelings which were divided between amusement and dislike. Almost as soon as I came into this house, ' Mr Collins began, 'I chose you for the partner of my life, but before my feelings get too strong for me I must explain my motives for marrying and for coming here to Longbourn to look for a wife.

The idea of the serious Mr Collins's strong feelings made Elizabeth so near to laughing that she could not stop him. My motives for marrying are first, that I think it right for every man of the Church.

Second, that I am sure it will make me very happy, and third -which perhaps I should have said first, that it was asked of me by the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness. Let me observe, my dear cousin, that the kindness of Lady Catherine de Bourgh is not the least of the advantages I have to give.

It remains to tell why I looked in Longbourn instead of my own neighbourhood where, I assure you, there are many agreeable young women. But as I am to get this estate after the death of your honoured father (who, however, may live many years longer), I could not be happy without deciding to choose a wife from among his daughters, that the loss be as little as possible when the unhappy day comes - which, however, as I have already said, may not be for some years.

This has been my motive, my dear cousin, and I flatter myself it will not make you think less kindly of me. And now nothing remains for me but to assure you of the violence of my affections.

To fortune I am indifferent. I shall ask nothing of your father and shall, indeed, say nothing ungenerous on that subject when we are married.

It was necessary to stop him now. You move too quickly, Sir, ' she cried.

You forget that I have made no answer. Let me do it without more loss of time.
