


喇叭.png 甩掉字幕听懂TED,TED精听戳这里;全面提升听说读写,就戳Albert趣说英文头条~

Everybody feels lonely from time to time.

When we have no one to sit next to at lunch, when we move to a new city, or when nobody has time for us at the weekend.

But over the last few decades, this occasional feeling has become chronic for millions.

In the UK,60% of 18 to 34-year-olds say they often feel lonely.

In the US,46% of the entire population feel lonely regularly.

We are living in the most connected time in human history.

And yet, an unprecedented number of us feel isolated.

Being lonely and being alone are not the same thing.

You can be filled with bliss by yourself and hate every second surrounded by friends.

Loneliness is a purely subjective, individual experience.
