I Tested NASA's New Spacesuit (feat. Axiom Space)


Only 12 people have ever walked on the Moon and  they all did it within just 4 years of each other... Then, for the last 50 years, no one has gone back.

But that is about to change.

Soon, astronauts will return to the Moon to prepare for people to  live there long term and to get us ready to send the first humans to another planet.

But to  do all of that, they need to be able to survive outside in space and work for hours in one of the  most dangerous conditions a human being will ever face.

The problem is our spacesuits for the  Moon haven't been updated in decades.

But now to make this next chapter in space possiblespacesuits are getting a major upgrade.

These new suits will give astronauts the superpower  to do more for longer and I am one of the first civilians to put one on.

In this video, we're  taking you behind the scenes to show you how they're designing, building, and testing NASA's  new spacesuits.

I'm going to put myself and this suit to the test to give you a sneak peek  into what it looks like, what it feels like, and how it might change what humanity can do in space... "Ignition sequence starts... " "Liftoff!

We have a liftoff!" "Altitude: 1600." "The eagle has landed... " "That's one small step for man... " ... one giant step for Huge If True!
