澳式"敬礼" Aussie Slang_ The Aussie Salute


G'day, you mob. How's it going?

Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.

I am your host, Pete, and this is another episode in the Aussie Slang series.

So, today I'm going to be teaching you how to use the slang term, the slang expression in Australian English, the "Aussie salute".

The "Aussie salute". Okay.

So, a salute would be when you do this, right?

To salute someone usually it's in the sort of, I don't know, the realm of the Army, the Navy.

It's sort of paying your respects to your senior officer.

Right? The people above you, you salute them.

You might salute people who are also on your level. But a salute is that kind of movement.
