10 TV Shows Every Menswear Fan Should Watch


Welcome back to the Gentleman's Gazette.

In today's video, I'll share with you ten shows that we think you should watch just for the men's clothing style.

Often, TV shows focus on women but if you take a closer look at the men's style can be quite interesting and it's often used to define characters and underline their authority or just underline certain quirks they have.

On TV, as in real life clothes speak volumes about who you are as a person and it's very interesting to see how it's utilized.

Of course,you'd also get some inspiration for yourself.

In my opinion, all these shows are good and they're worth watching but the clothes are really the icing on the cake.

No,we don't have shows from the '70s,'80s, or '90s because their styling was just too heavily influenced to be considered classic in this day and age.

Instead, we picked shows that we hope you can learn from and implement items from into your everyday wardrobe.

So without further ado, show number one is Babylon Berlin or Babylon Berlin as Americans might say.

It's one of our most favorite recent shows and it first aired in 2017 and is now in its second or third season because they split things up in Germany and the US differently.
