The Truth About Egg Freezing


I'm about to go into surgery.

I'm feeling  really nervous.

They're going to remove eggs from my body.

You know, the kind that can meet up with  sperm to make a baby.

And depending on how it goes, once the doctors remove those human eggs, they  might... freeze them.

"Egg freezing... " "egg freezing is booming... " "freezing their eggs until they decide the  time is right." How and when people are having kids is changing but our bodies aren't.

As we get older  it can get harder to have kids when we want to.

So smart people figured out that it's possible to  remove egg, freeze them, and then unfreeze them later.

They can even mix the eggs with sperm  to make embryos and then freeze those.

Basically humans invented cryosleep, just for tiny balls of  cells.
