Do You Have What it Takes to Own a Food Truck? | Career Crush


KELSEY ALPAIO: Every time I'm waiting in line at a food truck, I'm standing on my tippy toes, trying to get a glimpse of what exactly goes on back there.

So it is very intense in there.

For this episode I got in touch with an actual food truck owner to find out what it takes to own your very own restaurant on wheels.

It's more than just cooking food or having great recipes.

It's a lot of dealing with confusing regulations and rules, being prepared to fix a flat tire or broken generator.

It costs a lot more money than I thought it did.

Stick around if you want to find out what it actually takes to start your very own food truck.

JONATHAN MOY: Owning a food truck, I think, is a very romantic idea to a lot of people.

And owning any type of businesses is a romantic idea.

It's like, hey, you're your own boss.
