Can AI Help You Learn English?


For good or for bad, artificial  intelligence is now a part of our lives!

But can we use it to  learn English?

Let's find out!

[Music] Okay, so I am an English teacher, so I am going  to test three different artificial intelligence softwares to see if we can use them to improve  our English, let's go!

So let's take a look at ChatGPT, this is the AI, this is what everyone is  talking about when they talk about AI, so this is kind of like an AI chat bot so you can talk to it, you can ask it questions and it will give you an answer, you can ask it to fix your writing, you  can ask it to give you suggestions, it's like a really intelligent Google.

So for example, I could  ask ChatGPT, 'what does it's raining cats and dogs mean?' The phrase it's raining cats and dogs is  an idiom that means it's raining very heavily.

Now I know what you're thinking, I could just  use Google for that and that's very true but since chatGPT is a chat bot, let's see if  we can have a conversation with it, him, I don't know, is there somebody there?

Can we  use this tool to practice English conversation without needing to pay anybody, without needing  to find a language partner?

Let's see.

Okay, so I just want to practice my normal conversational  English, I want to imagine that I am talking, I am typing with a real person, so what would  I say?
