Lecture 4 - Building Product, Talking to Users, and Growing (Adora Cheung)


>> Thanks for having me.

So today I am going to be talking about how to go from zero users to many users.

I'm just assuming that you have many great ideas in your head at this moment and you're kind of thinking about what the next step is.

So I wrote this up early this morning, and a lot of this is based off of mistakes I've made in the past.

So as Sam mentioned, I went through YC in 2010 and spent a number, three years basically, going back and forth pivoting a bunch of times, starting over a bunch of times.

And have learned a lot about what not to do if I were to start another startup after Homejoy if that should ever happen.

And so a lot of it comes from failure and just telling you about what you shouldn't do and kind of making generalizations of what you should do from that.

So just a reminder that this is, sort of, you know, all advice you should take as directionally good guidance, like if all, like it's, it's kind of in the right direction.

But every business is different, you are different, I'm not you, and so just take everything with, you know, that in mind.

So since this is a college course, you know, when you start a startup you should basically have lots of time on your hands to concentrate on the start up.
