


Next queation, your Eternals character faces grief and dark times. How did you relate to that? Her(She) responds:Many people-many women-who have dealt with different things in their life may appear to be not stable or hysterical, when in fact what they're really dealing with is a deep truth and a pain.

Why are we here? To deeply explore ourselves, deeply explore each other. I think there's sometimes a lot of focus on how to not go deep, to stay distracted or just be fine about things.

Some people find joy and light easier, and it's a beautiful thing. But other people are not broken because they feel more at ease in the darker places.

I've struggled before with feeling my mind was too loud, feeling like I was never settled, not knowing if I could live this life. But then you go and you meet people who are just trying to survive, and I felt embarrassed that I had taken life so lightly.

At this stage in my life, I've decided I'm not going to settle and I'm not going to be less upset or less anxious. I'm going to try to enjoy and love where I can.

But I also want to sit in that heavier place.
