世界上最大的螃蟹:巨型椰子蟹 The Colossal Coconut Crab | South Pacific | BBC Earth


Crabs may not seem unusual, but there's one kind here that's like no other.

On this little island in Vanuatu lives a real oddity.

It's the largest terrestrial invertebrate on earth.

The robber crab, the biggest can weigh up to four kilograms, the same as a newborn baby, and have a leg span of one meter.

It's a hermit crab on steroids.

At night, the huge robbers really come alive.

Although these crabs are found throughout the Pacific, it's only on undisturbed islands that you can see them in such numbers.

Exactly why robber crabs have grown so big is a mystery.

But with so few creatures making it to these remote islands, the giant crustaceans seem to have filled a niche normally taken by medium-sized mammals and with almost no competition from other native animals.

The crabs' huge size allows them to make the most of another great colonizer, something found here in abundance.
